Privacy Policy

Personal details

Client and Gracia Angeline S. will not share any private information, such as email, phone number, and address to any third parties.

project privacy

Project details and progress will only be shared and discussed within the team.

Promotional use

Gracia Angeline S. reserve the right, with your consent, to select works to be used for promotional purposes of her Portfolio. To promote Gracia Angeline S., works may be displayed on the Gracia Angeline S. website, social media and brochures/flyers.

With Client’s consent, Gracia Angeline S. may submit her works to design/ photography contests, websites or articles.

Gracia Angeline S. prioritize her Client’s trust and comfort, therefore Client’s choice to consent or not will be followed and respected.

This consent may be asked by Gracia Angeline S. on direct message, email, call, or verbally in person, and the answer will all be documented/ recorded.

Withdrawal of consent

Anyone whether a client or guest in the photograph, may withdraw consent for not to be shown in Gracia Angeline S. website, social media, future brochures/flyers and not to be submitted in future articles/ contest.

Please contact Gracia Angeline S. through direct message or email for Client or guest who wants to remove their display.